Monday, January 13, 2014

Stay At Home (not) Sloppy Mom

Welcome New Year's Resolution number one (actually number two)...  I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to share any of them and just do them this year.  But perhaps, I will keep the big one to myself and share some of the less dramatic little ones along the way (while I'm doing them of course)!

Being a Stay at Home Mom is both a blessing and a curse!  Please don't hate me yet and hear me out before you judge.  I am (mostly) a stay at home mom, working when my toddler sleeps, evenings, early mornings and when I am fortunate enough to bribe a doting Grandparent over for a sitter session (they really don't take much bribing and for that I am very grateful).  Some days I put in a few hours and other days I may lock myself in my office for upwards of ten (and that's not the time I spend being mommy, wifey, house cleaner or chef).  I have been a real estate broker and interior designer for the better part of a decade.  I never was the type that just "did" real estate as a hobby, it was my career and it was something I was both good at and passionate about.  I swore I was going back to work full time after my son was a year old, but considering his 2nd Birthday is in February, I clearly missed that boat.  Then we built a house, life "happened" and now, the talk of baby number two has consumed most free time and while dreading another horrific pregnancy, the time is now or never...So, I have continued to stay home and feel blessed to be with my son daily and to have a husband who works hard to provide that ability.  If you every read this Jake, thank you!

Okay, onto the curse part... Most SAHM's know, it is no picnic picking up after a toddler, baby (or two), potty training, changing diapers, preparing multiple meals (and snacks) a day, battling for naps, doing countless loads of laundry, monitoring the home zoo, and caring for any home on any given day while trying to maintain a pretty YOU!  Huh? Did someone say me?  Yes, it's certainly no secret we (all moms) are typically the last on the "to do" lists  and  often suffer for it.  Some may gain weight because they don't have time to exercise.  Others loose weight as a result of eating most meals standing up or by stuffing Balance Bars down your throat while dressing your children; Then you probably gain it back again while gorging on double dark chocolate brownie ice cream at 11PM because you're hungry.  Some of us never, let me repeat, never, get our nails done and our toes may actually look prehistoric...please don't comment.  If it offends, don't look.  As for our hair...if you're rocking the perm from the 80's, it may be time for a change, but for those of you who are still hanging onto Jenifer Aniston's 90's "layered look," lucky you, it's still in!  For those of you who say, hair, huh?  This is probably a good post for you to read and take note.

Onto the resolution part.  I made it a point this year, for me, to promise myself that I was no longer going to stay at home and look, act, be or do anything sloppy.  I have always been the type of person who can't leave my bedroom without (hospital style) making my bed and I can't go to sleep without cleaning the kitchen and starting the dishwasher.  I am certainly, Type "A" in many ways, however, here comes the SAHM syndrome...I have often times let myself go (or rather just, be).  I have been known to stay in my PJ's until my son's afternoon nap, just to second guess myself, "hrmmm....should I just take a shower and get in fresh PJ's for the next night." Repeat. You get the idea. As cute as some Victoria's Secret PJ's have become, as a daily uniform it is not that appealing.  For someone who LOVES fashion and actually has a fairly healthy wardrobe, I decided I have no excuse to be lazy.  If I had to actually leave the house and be at a office around colleagues (or anyone who mattered), I would clearly put in more effort. 

Solution: Dress comfortably cute, every day!  And, have back up accessories or a simple "swap" ready in case you must leave the house quickly and be "seen."

Here is an example of today:

Leggings: Simple Grey by Gabriella Rocha (brilliantly fleece lined) from Unfortunately grey is sold out, but burgundy is still available today.  Or, I love these Grey Knit Leggings, also by Gabriella Rocha.

Tank: Stretchy by Anue from Last Season.

Open Cardigan: The Loft. Last Season.

And, just in case, I get called out for a mommy lunch or client meeting last minute, here are my go to accessories...a Rose Gold Belt and Necklace from The Loft. Last Season.  Gold Bracelet. It was a Gift. And, Gold Cole Hann Shoes from  A steal of a deal today at just $66.99 vs. $328!!!  I might need  a second pair!

This took me less than five minutes to plan (and dress).  A little effort really can go a long way! 

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