Thursday, January 9, 2014

Books for Babies (and Toddlers)

I'm always asked by moms or friends purchasing gifts for other children, what books to buy. It's no secret my 22 month old son Loves his books!!!  In fact here is a snapshot of a Facebook posting from his photographer after his 18 month photo session. answer some questions, including a few links to our favorites, here is his personal evolution of books, so far:

From 6-12 months, he loved books that had texture, repeated phrases or were just darn right cute.  Images of other babies made him giggle and squeel with delight.  Bathtime Peekaboo by DK was at the top of his list.  I'm considering purchasing another one for his "hope chest" since his original copy is overly loved with countless rips and tears.

From 12-18 months, he really started to enjoy animal books, things that go and finger puppet books.  Interactive books were great and it was clear he memorized some of the captions (in his own way).  First word and animal books offered him a chance to show off and "yellow" became his favorite least to say;-)  Suggle Puppy by Sandra Boynton always cheered him (and me) up.  It is still our go to on rainy days.

Currently (at 22 months old), he still loves books about things that go...the bigger the truck, the louder the "vroom vroom" and brighter the smile.  But ultimately, he is beginning to like books that tell a story...something he can relate to. The potty, night night routine, belly button and destination books. He likes guessing the end of a story if he's never read it and reading me the end if he has. He now knows all of his colors (at least primary and secondary) and will laugh at the comedy, sometimes catching it before I do.  Here he his tossing in his favorite before bedtime book to make sure I didn't forget it in the photo... Goodnight, I Love You by Caroline Jayne Church! An instant classic in our home.

It's amazing how quickly our children begin teaching us things.  I am so grateful for my daily lessons and look forward to many more years of book evolution with my son! 

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