Sunday, January 19, 2014

Worlds Toughest Rodeo: Raleigh

Ask most of my friends and they will say I am not a 'country' girl!  I don't speak with an accent, own a pair of REAL cowgirl boots (even though I would love to) or drive an AWD truck.  I do however, enjoy southern cooking, riding ATVs, listening (and singing along) to country music and anything Turquoise!  My mother instilled great southern traits and my father's family combated what they could with their Jersey roots.   Read More Here

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Still Decking the Halls

Okay, we have officially crossed over the midpoint in January and I am the pathetic neighbor still rocking my garland, wreaths, mailbox ornaments, Christmas tree and gold deer in the front yard!  In fact, until yesterday, I left my outdoor lights on...I finally decided to turn them off after I thought about our recent community power outage (where my street was the solely lighted street for miles) and how incredibly grossed out my neighbors must have been when trying to cook, get dressed, entertain kids and shower in the dark while my house still screamed, "Come on over for Eggnog and Santa Cookies." Sorry to have been so thoughtless!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas Gift Fav: DeLonghi Lattissima Nespresso Plus

If the name alone is not a mouthful, I don't know what is!  An espresso machine has been on my husband's wish list for awhile and since we didn't find it fitting to spend thousands on the rare occasion he could actually enjoy an espresso from home, it remained on the wish list for a few years now.  You see, I am not a coffee drinker.  I have always been the type who wakes up, enjoys a bowel of oatmeal  and one of my staple Bolthouse Farms juices.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy coffee quite a bit, but caffeine and I don't have the best relationship!  When I do have a moment to venture off to our local barista, I typically enjoy decaf lattes and skinny mochas.   In a perfect world, I would love the ability to brew a 'milk based' hot chocolate from home...come in The DeLonghi Lattissima Nespresso Plus.   READ MORE HERE


Monday, January 13, 2014

Stay At Home (not) Sloppy Mom

Welcome New Year's Resolution number one (actually number two)...  I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to share any of them and just do them this year.  But perhaps, I will keep the big one to myself and share some of the less dramatic little ones along the way (while I'm doing them of course)!

Being a Stay at Home Mom is both a blessing and a curse!  Please don't hate me yet and hear me out before you judge.  I am (mostly) a stay at home mom, working when my toddler sleeps, evenings, early mornings and when I am fortunate enough to bribe a doting Grandparent over for a sitter session (they really don't take much bribing and for that I am very grateful).  Some days I put in a few hours and other days I may lock myself in my office for upwards of ten (and that's not the time I spend being mommy, wifey, house cleaner or chef).  I have been a real estate broker and interior designer for the better part of a decade.  I never was the type that just "did" real estate as a hobby, it was my career and it was something I was both good at and passionate about.  I swore I was going back to work full time after my son was a year old, but considering his 2nd Birthday is in February, I clearly missed that boat.  Then we built a house, life "happened" and now, the talk of baby number two has consumed most free time and while dreading another horrific pregnancy, the time is now or never...So, I have continued to stay home and feel blessed to be with my son daily and to have a husband who works hard to provide that ability.  If you every read this Jake, thank you!

Okay, onto the curse part... Most SAHM's know, it is no picnic picking up after a toddler, baby (or two), potty training, changing diapers, preparing multiple meals (and snacks) a day, battling for naps, doing countless loads of laundry, monitoring the home zoo, and caring for any home on any given day while trying to maintain a pretty YOU!  Huh? Did someone say me?  Yes, it's certainly no secret we (all moms) are typically the last on the "to do" lists  and  often suffer for it.  Some may gain weight because they don't have time to exercise.  Others loose weight as a result of eating most meals standing up or by stuffing Balance Bars down your throat while dressing your children; Then you probably gain it back again while gorging on double dark chocolate brownie ice cream at 11PM because you're hungry.  Some of us never, let me repeat, never, get our nails done and our toes may actually look prehistoric...please don't comment.  If it offends, don't look.  As for our hair...if you're rocking the perm from the 80's, it may be time for a change, but for those of you who are still hanging onto Jenifer Aniston's 90's "layered look," lucky you, it's still in!  For those of you who say, hair, huh?  This is probably a good post for you to read and take note.

Onto the resolution part.  I made it a point this year, for me, to promise myself that I was no longer going to stay at home and look, act, be or do anything sloppy.  I have always been the type of person who can't leave my bedroom without (hospital style) making my bed and I can't go to sleep without cleaning the kitchen and starting the dishwasher.  I am certainly, Type "A" in many ways, however, here comes the SAHM syndrome...I have often times let myself go (or rather just, be).  I have been known to stay in my PJ's until my son's afternoon nap, just to second guess myself, "hrmmm....should I just take a shower and get in fresh PJ's for the next night." Repeat. You get the idea. As cute as some Victoria's Secret PJ's have become, as a daily uniform it is not that appealing.  For someone who LOVES fashion and actually has a fairly healthy wardrobe, I decided I have no excuse to be lazy.  If I had to actually leave the house and be at a office around colleagues (or anyone who mattered), I would clearly put in more effort. 

Solution: Dress comfortably cute, every day!  And, have back up accessories or a simple "swap" ready in case you must leave the house quickly and be "seen."

Here is an example of today:

Leggings: Simple Grey by Gabriella Rocha (brilliantly fleece lined) from Unfortunately grey is sold out, but burgundy is still available today.  Or, I love these Grey Knit Leggings, also by Gabriella Rocha.

Tank: Stretchy by Anue from Last Season.

Open Cardigan: The Loft. Last Season.

And, just in case, I get called out for a mommy lunch or client meeting last minute, here are my go to accessories...a Rose Gold Belt and Necklace from The Loft. Last Season.  Gold Bracelet. It was a Gift. And, Gold Cole Hann Shoes from  A steal of a deal today at just $66.99 vs. $328!!!  I might need  a second pair!

This took me less than five minutes to plan (and dress).  A little effort really can go a long way! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mother Nature Makes Her Mark in 2014

I am certainly not a meteorologist, but have always been interested in weather and did take a few in depth and challenging college courses.  It is no secret weather patterns are changing and historic records have recently been shattered.  Living in North Carolina,  we typically experience a mild climate.  However, I was reminded this week how extreme conditions can become; It was 9 degrees on Tuesday and 72 by Saturday!  No, that is not a went from nine to seventy-two in less than five days!  In fact, we've experienced four front changes...warm, cold, warm and back to cold again. Here  (photo below) was the alert I received yesterday while trying to enjoy some down time when my Toddler luck there, the Internet and community water went out within minutes.  Most neighbors don't have power to date so I'm not complaining. 


Many times weather warnings are just that, a cautionary notification of what could happen.  Unfortunately, this warning was in good time and offered a decent prelude to the events that followed in our neighboring communities.  Here are a few images from my in-laws rental property.  A tree fell through the roof and into the tenants bedroom!  Thankfully, no one was injured.  Thank goodness this was a 2PM storm and not a 2AM storm!
Clearly, weather has become more than just elevator small talk.  It is now a multi billion dollar entertainment industry, fuels the inspiration for countless movies and sitcoms and has become one of the most pinned and tweeted topic of our era.  Just this past week, my sister who attends FSU, texted me this picture reminding me how no one has escaped the extremes.

Let me clarify, that is FLORIDA State University.  And this is a picture of a fountain (moving water) that has frozen and now resembles an ice statue!

Weather truly can be awe inspiring or can wreak havoc within minutes.  For me, it offers the perfect daily reminder of how poetically small we all are in this big bad world and how quickly life can be affected.  So here's to everyone who has battled the completely frozen record lows, blizzards, floods and tree disasters.  I have a feeling Mother Nature is making an impression in 2014!  Take care and please heed the warnings.

Friday, January 10, 2014

I Want One...The Ryno

There is always something new and captivating in the world of things that move.  I am typically drawn to those that go fast...and faster.  But, I must say this one caught me by surprise as one of the most intriguing (and quite useful) "slower"  moving machines about to hit the market.

The Ryno (pictured below) is both a design wonder and a mind blunder...leaving most witnesses to do a double take.  As their tag quite appropriately states, it is "Half the Bike. Twice the Fun."  It's intended to be used as a personal transportation device in urban areas.  Easy to maneuver (at just 125lbs) and conveniently green (it's lithium-iron-phosphate battery pack is said to recharge in just an hour and a half), the Ryno may offer a simple (relatively affordable) option for errand running and work transport in some of America's most busy cities.
According to, the Ryno is said to start at $5295.00 and should be available second quarter this year.  Oh, and it's made in the USA...sweet!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Books for Babies (and Toddlers)

I'm always asked by moms or friends purchasing gifts for other children, what books to buy. It's no secret my 22 month old son Loves his books!!!  In fact here is a snapshot of a Facebook posting from his photographer after his 18 month photo session. answer some questions, including a few links to our favorites, here is his personal evolution of books, so far:

From 6-12 months, he loved books that had texture, repeated phrases or were just darn right cute.  Images of other babies made him giggle and squeel with delight.  Bathtime Peekaboo by DK was at the top of his list.  I'm considering purchasing another one for his "hope chest" since his original copy is overly loved with countless rips and tears.

From 12-18 months, he really started to enjoy animal books, things that go and finger puppet books.  Interactive books were great and it was clear he memorized some of the captions (in his own way).  First word and animal books offered him a chance to show off and "yellow" became his favorite least to say;-)  Suggle Puppy by Sandra Boynton always cheered him (and me) up.  It is still our go to on rainy days.

Currently (at 22 months old), he still loves books about things that go...the bigger the truck, the louder the "vroom vroom" and brighter the smile.  But ultimately, he is beginning to like books that tell a story...something he can relate to. The potty, night night routine, belly button and destination books. He likes guessing the end of a story if he's never read it and reading me the end if he has. He now knows all of his colors (at least primary and secondary) and will laugh at the comedy, sometimes catching it before I do.  Here he his tossing in his favorite before bedtime book to make sure I didn't forget it in the photo... Goodnight, I Love You by Caroline Jayne Church! An instant classic in our home.

It's amazing how quickly our children begin teaching us things.  I am so grateful for my daily lessons and look forward to many more years of book evolution with my son! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Gap Flash Sale

I, like most women, love, love, LOVE a good sale.  Growing up in a family of seven (sometimes about it in our About Us tab), we were always on a budget and my mom taught me how to stretch a dollar with style!  To this day, I almost never buy unless I can save 30% or more.  Free Shipping is a must when buying online and savings on top of savings is the best!  Here's a good flash sale from Gap tonight (be sure to use code GAPCLOCK):

Unfortunately, there are a couple exclusions (duh!), however, with the ability to earn Gap Cash for use at a later date...I still thought this was worth sharing!  
And, here are a couple of my picks for Spring (I know it's still 10 degrees in some parts of the country, but at least we have something to look forward to!):
A sexy way to work out (or pick up groceries) and look cute - I love all GapFit clothes - true to size
Finally, a not "too boyfriend," somewhat fitted shirt...dress up with a skirt and heels or down with jeans and flops
I have a feeling I may live in these easy wear, fit and flare dresses this the nautical stripes!
Happy Shopping!

All clothing represented here are Gap.

The Cone of Shame

My beautiful 10 year old Mutt (Golden Retriever, Lab, German Shepherd, Hound and I'm sure some other breeds), Cinnamon, recently had surgery to remove 5 tumors.  Thankfully, she is doing well just a week later!  How well?  She wanted to show us and the guy hitting the golf ball on New Years Day!  Whoops to, "No Dogs on the Course" Rule. The best part is, just after her run down the course, she did her business on the green (we picked it up, I swear!!!).  The Cone of Shame was labeled by family, friends and neighbors alike...sorry!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

FSU Win Wakes Me Up!

While so while many of you may awaken to an alarm sporadically beeping, a child (or three) jumping on your bed or a dog barking, my morning began more abruptly with the sound of college kids screaming and rave music 3AM!!! I guess we haven't had a chance to meet the third sister (as of the time of this posting), so please let me fill you in. Rachel is the middle of our five siblings, the youngest sister of our blog trio and a very Active college student at Florida State University!  She is beautiful, quite intelligent and extremely kind.  I wouldn't be surprised if many of her peers viewed her as a threat in some way,  but she's so grounded and fun to be around, she's hard not to like!  More measurably now than ever, at this critical time in her life, she is an extremely hard worker.  But, she is very much from the school of thought, work hard, play harder! So when I received this photo of her preparing to go out last night, I shouldn't have been a surprised by the texts and voice mails that followed!


After all, she is attending, FSU, self proclaimed party school of the south and the Seminoles were at the Rose Bowel and walked away as BCS Champions in a heart stopping game!!! Here is a link to the details, if you're into the play-by-plays:
Then while enjoying my flax seed oatmeal with my toddler, ABC's Good Morning America shared in the excitement too. There was no chance in escaping the FSU enthusiasm today!


I guess it's all to be expected.  After all, not everyone can boast about that college highlight at a dinner party when in your thirties!  I guess the decade between Rachel and I is clearly marked by many things, however, I must say, the way "kids" party these days and the money that goes into the promotion is beyond anything I was privy to in the 2000 era! Here are some of the highlights of her night:

10,000+ FSU students and their tag along, "I promise to do....just about anything to get in" friends party until 3AM.


Not a bad view of the field either, projection screens filled the room.

So here's to you kids waking up with hangovers and the wiser (perhaps future CPA's) who aren't, congrats FSU!  After all, it was a damn good game (and season) to celebrate!

From the mouth of Jameis Winston, "...we're bringing that swag back."  I must agree, yes you are!  Enjoy it!

Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 Begins...Now

It's quiet today as the bloodline has exited stage left...I always feel I have been left to clean up the aftermath of a severe thunderstorm when my family finally walks out the door to journey home to their Florida mainstays.  Both mentally and physically I typically feel drained upon their exit.  It doesn't help their visit always occurs post-Christmas and initiates round 2 of the holidays!  I must be honest, this year was more lax than normal and I enjoyed their company the most I have in years.  Those who know me are quick to point out that I am not the most laid back individual and family tends to compound my OCD-like behaviors.  Perhaps, my baby is older this year, we have a larger home, I hid in my closet folding significantly more laundry, strategized to keep my husband out of the kitchen, drank more wine and Kahlua or maybe I'm just getting older and not stressing as much...nah...wishful thinking (the not stressing part).  I will say, I laughed more, enjoyed the repeat stories and only got into it once with my mom...that has to be a record worth noting.  So, here's to everyone who's back to the rat race, post-holidays - Happy Monday and Happy 2014!  And considering resolutions are like a**holes and everyone has one, mine is simple this year...I'm just keeping it to myself and doing it! I figured it will be less embarrassing and more gratifying however it turns out!  ~Kaylee